Gas Safety Week 2021 - 13th to 19th September

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It's Gas Safety Week next week! The 13th to the 19th September to be precise.

We've pledged our support, but what does that mean? Here’s how the Gas Safety Register explain their campaign:

“Gas Safety Week is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of taking care of your gas appliances. It is coordinated by us, the Gas Safe Register, the official list of gas engineers who are legally allowed to work on gas.  

Badly fitted and poorly serviced gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. CO is a highly poisonous gas that can kill quickly and without warning, as you cannot see it, taste it or smell it.  By taking care of your gas appliances properly you are taking care of your home and your loved ones.”

We're here to help too, so if you need any advice feel free to email or call 01242300173.